Welcome... My name is Glenn and I live in Auckland New Zealand. I enjoy Ham Radio talking around the world on HF. I don't use VHF or UHF much these days.. Phone and Digital modes is what it's all about for me these days. Have been a Ham since early 90's, haven't the space for HF antenna's at home although I am running a Atas 120a screwdriver antenna on a magnetic base between the house and trees, limited space. Due to this I do enjoy going portable hence why I got interested in POTA, and became the admin for ZL as it wasn't here so it was fun to get this started here in ZL, I have passed this on to ZL2BQD due to work commitments after getting it started and running here.
Ham Radio

My setup when out in the field using digital, if need be when conditions are not the best. I generally use the FT-897D along with multi-band dipole and if need be a tuner however I usually don't use a tuner as the antenna is very well tuned to the bands I operate.
At times I also use a the Wolf River Coil vertical and find this to be an advantage when I need to get on the air fast as setting up the vertical is fast and does multiple bands like the dipole.
UPDATE: 03-10-23
I have purchased the IC-7300 HF Transceiver and running a Atas-120a vertical antenna on the side of the roof. Now running a random wire antenna which is 12.5 mtrs in length with a 10 mtr counterpoise. 6 mtrs - 40 mtrs, runs well considering the antenna starts as a helical wound antenna about 1.4 mtrs from the bottom of the antenna running up the 12 mtr fibreglass pole and strapped against a tree, running with a 9-1 Unun and a rf choke.
I will be using this rig for portable use also.

Above is my qsl cards I just got printed by UX5UO Print in Ukraine by Gennady.
I contacted Gennady and asked if it was possibly to order from him, Gennady replied
with a yes! I sent my picture and format I was thinking and he done a mock up and
sent within hours of contacting him.
I have to say he was fast and friendly and a breeze to work with, Fantastic and I
highly recommend getting your cards printed by him, not only is the price great it
was just a pleasure from start to finish and they came out great.